“Young Europeans” mobility in Izmir

A representation of the Majorana” of Bari participated from 15 to 19 April 2024 in the activities in Izmir of the Erasmus+ project "Young Europeans - The CREW"

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Four students from Majorana with the Principal and prof. Masellis participated from 15 to 19 April 2024 in the training and learning activities in  Izmir  EMLAKBANK SÜLEYMAN DEMIREL ANADOLU LISESI for the ERASMUS+ project “Young Europeans – The CREW” Creative and Responsible Environment Warriors 2023-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-00015377.

The planned activities began on April 15th with a welcome by the Headmaster of the high school and a representative of the Turkish Ministry of Education. The groups present were: Turkish, Italian, Czech, Polish, Portuguese and Romanian. After the presentation of the schools the participants worked on the theme of the sea and its pollution.

The activities carried out during the week were:

  • Visit the Zero Carbon Point for a presentation on sustainability
  • Discovering how to recycle things
  • Seminar on the recycling of used oils: the main cause of sea pollution
  • Laboratory activities
  • Boat ride to observe the pollution of the bay of Izmir
  • Visit to the marine reserve «Bird Sanctuary»
  • Visit to the marine creatures museum at Izmir University
  • Visit to the city zoo
  • Cultural visits: Izmir bazaar,  monuments and mosques, House of the Virgin Mary, Ephesus, Sirince, Foça
  • Teachers meeting

The students had the opportunity to: integrate with the other friends from other countries and different cultures, improve their fluency in  English, become aware on environmental issues, visit  ancient cities studied at school during Art classes.

Furthermore they acquired citizenship skills such as: respecting timetables and rules , orienting themselves when traveling in a large foreign city  and in international airports (Istanbul, Izmir and Naples).

The Italians came back to Bari on Saturday 20 April, happy and grateful for the unique experience they have lived.
Prof. Donato Masellis


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