Recycling and including
A recycling laboratory that unites: inclusion and sustainability at Majorana
A recycling laboratory that unites: inclusion and sustainability at Majorana
How our students are involved in issues about environment and sustainability
Mobilità a Bari del Progetto Erasmus+ "Young Europeans - The Crew" - 2023-1-RO01-KA220 SCH-000153773
Water harvesting in traditional Apulian architectures - a research by the 2A students (a.s. 2023-24) coordinated by prof. Zina Vitarella
A representation of the Majorana” of Bari participated from 15 to 19 April 2024 in the activities in Izmir of the Erasmus+ project "Young Europeans - The CREW"
Pollution effect in the regional Lama Balice Park - Bari - a research by the2A students (a.s. 2023-24) coordinated by prof. Zina Vitarella
Mobility in Tarsus - Erasmus+ Project " Alarm Rings for All of Us- Save Water"
Mobilità a Tarso del Progetto Erasmus+ Alarm Rings for All of Us- Save Water
Durante il progetto ERASMUS+ KA220-SCH-705199D0 Alarm Rings for All of Us- Save Water i docenti hanno progettato 20 UDA trasversali sul tema dell'acqua.
Una rappresentanza del Majorana” di Bari ha partecipato dal 15 al 19 aprile 2024 alle attività a Izmir del progetto Erasmus+ "Young Europeans- The CREW"