The Erasmus+ on environmental education "SAVE our SPHERE" has arrived at his 3rd stage and landed in Bari on 09/15 OCTOBER 2022

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Increase public awareness on environmental issues and educate about energy saving, waste differentiation and recycling are the cornerstones around which is developed a new KA229 project financed by the Erasmus+ European funds. After a kick off for professors only, in Brussels in July 2021, for the start of project works and a first mobility in Berlin in September last year, the project on sustainability and the environment, SAVE our SPHERE, has arrived at his 3rd stage and landed in Bari! Delegations of teachers and students from Germany, Melanchthon Gymnasium, Poland, Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace, Turkey, Anadolu Lisesi and Lithuania, Aitvaro gimnazija met in Bari from 9 to 18 October to bring a green breath to our city. After an opening ceremony punctuated by the vibrant rhythm of the pizzica, teachers and pupils of the Majorana introduced their institute to foreign guests, with its cooking, pastry and butcher labs, those of the optics address and those of the audiovisual and then they guided them through the narrow streets of the old city center to discover historic Bari and its km 0 delicacies.The organized activities were engaging, cooking workshops for the preparation of delicious dishes using food waste, collection of waste that disfigures the city beach of “Pane e pomodoro”, visit and workshop at the natural park of Lama Belice to discover the climate impact and the changes induced to the environment and native vegetation, many of which are used as aromatic herbs in the kitchen. Even the big farewell party was an opportunity to discover our local delicacies since the teachers involved let the foreign guests taste focaccia and preserves in oil, a Green way of yesteryear to lengthen the life of seasonal products such as tomatoes, aubergines and artichokes. Tired but happy the participants said goodbye at the airport but the separation will be brief… next stop Turkey!

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